Good Morning,
My name is Rachael Sedgwick, and I’m the new TUSD School Board Member-elect. I’m writing to you as a community member (I will not be an official member of the board until December 23).
It has come to my attention that Adelita Grijalva, at the behest of HT Sanchez, issued a directive to you regarding a new or updated “protocol” for school board members visiting schools. You are welcome to disregard her. In fact, you would be smartest to do so, as she is sorely misinformed; I don't want her ignorance to hurt you or TUSD any further.
This embarrassing little fiasco has made clear that HT and Adelita do not quite understand their roles in TUSD or how public school districts are supposed to operate. I am looking forward to helping with that in January, to working with both of them and helping to disabuse them of their ignorance (see uploads/2013/04/School-Board- Code-of-Conduct1.pdf or http://www. You-May-Also-Be-Interested-In- landing-page-level/Audience- The-Public-YMABI/The-Role-of- School-Boards for more information about school boards and board members). Until then, I hope this email helps to clear up any confusion their idiocy has caused.
To that end, I have attached the official TUSD School Visit Policy for you so that there is no confusion about what exactly the school visit policy is—for board members, TUSD community members, and everyone else.
Neither Adelita nor HT can or did change the school visit policy, and there is no separate protocol, etc. for school board members. The school visit policy is a board matter, and if we decide to change it, we will do so as a board in a public meeting. HT has no say in the matter. Adelita has 1/5 of a say. Do not let them manipulate or mislead you—know your rights and do not be fooled.
You are welcome to respond; in fact, I appreciate your feedback. I also look forward to visiting your schools, to joining the board soon, and to getting you all the resources you need to lead your schools to success.
Thank you for your time,
Awesome start to your tenure! Nice work!
ReplyDeleteMic drop! Well done Ms.Sedgewick