Friday, December 30, 2016

Supt. Sanchez is not certified. I guess he should get certified if he wants to stay on the payroll.

This policy is clear: all TUSD teachers and administrators must be certified.  Supt. Sanchez is not certified.  I guess he should get certified if he wants to stay on the payroll.  I did not revise this one, which you can find at:

What do you think?  Your comments are much appreciated, as always.  

Tucson, Arizona


POLICY TITLE:  Certification and Credentialing Requirements

Before beginning a teaching/administrative assignment in Tucson Unified School District, and in order to be placed on the payroll, a teacher/administrator must possess a valid and appropriate teaching certificate issued by the Arizona State Department of Education.  [Superintendent Sanchez is not certified.]  The teacher's/administrator's certificate must also have been registered with the office of the Pima County Superintendent of Schools and with the Personnel Department of Tucson Unified School District.

Responsibility for certificate renewal rests with the teacher/administrator.  Information on Arizona requirements for certification will be made available in the Personnel Department.  The County Superintendent shall not draw a warrant in payment of a salary unless the teacher or administrator is legally certified during the fiscal year in which the term for payment is demanded.  An employee without a current, appropriate certificate may be sent home or dismissed.

Adopted:        September 17, 1985
Revised:        September 9, 2008 (numeric to letter format only)
Reviewed:     October 9, 2012

LEGAL REF.:     

CROSS REF            

1 comment:

  1. I reported this to the board, county Superintendent, ADE, ADI, BOARD OF ED , nothing was done about it. If you force Sanchez to certify, and I hope that you do, there is a long line waiting to file complaints with ade and Board of Ed , he won't have that certificate for long.


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